My Blue...Words cannot express...Ever...
The shell that you were when we collected you and the haunted fear inside those eyes...You begged not to be seen... Not to be touched...Just...not...
They took away everything you had and they left you a shell...
All I could see in you for the first few weeks was total grief... You were mortified at what you had become.
It took a while to gain your trust and be accepted by you...You made me work at it because you had been badly let down before and your soul was hurting. I cried for you so many times.
And then one day...A cheeky kiss egged on by your Lady and the bond grew. Soon I couldn't wait to get to work to be with you...Your energy, your love and your life began to show and you... Were addictive.
You are like a bright light who attracts moths and gently kisses them touching each and every fibre...You infected us all with your special soul. The life inside you helped make me strong and capable and you taught me so very much. I cannot look at pics of you without a tear because you are one special boy...
Such a happy light energy as yours can never be forgotten. You truly are special in all that you are and all that you will become and your special family including Lady are so lucky to have you as are you to have them. You light up lives Blue...