What is fostering?
When we bring a dog into rescue, they go to a foster home for a 4 week (minimum) assessment before we look for their forever home. In this time we find out their true personality, see if they have any behavioural issues, get them neutered, vaccinated and chipped if they aren't already and work with them to get them to a point where they can be re-homed.
What would I have to do as a foster parent?
As a foster parent, you would have to look after your foster dog as if they were your own. If you are new to huskies/dogs, we'd only place dogs that are 'easy' to care for, for example, they wouldn't have any severe issues or medical problems that we know of. If you're a seasoned husky owner, you may be given a dog that needs working with on some issues like food aggression, separation anxiety, guarding behaviour etc. You would have to give weekly updates of your foster dog via our private facebook group or by email.
How long would I keep my foster dog?
This can vary depending on the dog. Sometimes you may only have to dog for a few days and some dogs have been in foster for over a year.

​How do I become a foster parent?
If you'd like to be a fosterer or need more information, please fill in the contact form or homecheck application form on this website. After we receive your application form, a member of staff will give you a call to have a chat, then we arrange a homecheck. If this is a pass we'll begin to look for your foster dog!
​Do I have to pay anything? Do I get paid?
You don't have to pay us to be a fosterer but you'd be responsible for your foster dogs food, toys, treat etc but vet bills will be covered by us (as long as the vet visit is previously agreed unless in emergency). You would be a volunteer so you don't get paid.
What happens if I want to adopt my foster dog?
If you fall in love with your foster dog and would like to adopt them you must tell us straight away! We've had some unfortunate situations where the foster family has only shown interest in adopting their foster once they're told a home has been found and it's too late for them to keep the dog. Once you have said you'd like to keep your foster, you would have to pay the adoption fee (£250) as soon as possible. Once this is paid, and the adoption contract is signed the dog is yours!