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- Beatings
- Poisoning
- Starvation
- Untreated wounds
- Sickness and disease
- Fighting for territory and food
- Litter after litter for female dogs
- Traffic accidents (and cases that aren't accidents..)

Street dogs in Turkey face struggle after struggle, battling alone for survival...for a cruel, often short, life
until someone cares enough to help

Launched in 2016, Homeward Bound (HB) operates in Turkey and has rescued over 200 animals to date. Currently caring for approximately 100 residents, HB strive to find safe, loving homes for dogs unable to survive the harsh life on the streets. 

Homeward Bound is a family run rescue that works alongside S.H.A.R.E with Claire at the helm of both rescues. Claire visited Turkey for the first time in 2012 where she met a street dog named Jack.


Everything Homeward Bound is today is because this little boy opened Claire's eyes to the suffering street dogs go through to simply exist. Jack chose Claire and her family and it wasn't long before he joined them in the UK








Jack was safe and sound but Claire now knew there were many, many dogs struggling like Jack was (and worse) who didn't have anyone who would scoop them off the street and into to safety. In 2016, Claire moved to Turkey with her children, Erin (who has since returned to the UK) and Joe, whilst her partner, Darren, remained in the UK to work and send funds to support them. Since then, over 200 animals have been rescued with many dogs living happy, fulfilled lives in UK homes. 


Over the years, the pressure Claire and her family face has grown and grown....

Their electric and water supply are unreliable 
Dishonest landlords have forced a move with the current property unsuitable
Dishonest and unqualified tradesmen have wasted vital funds with nothing to show

Harsh weather makes staying warm in winter and cool in summer practically impossible
The family is split with Claire and Joe in Turkey and Darren and Erin in the UK leaving them all hurting

Scorpions, sand flies, ticks and blood parasites plague the animals with other common diseases an issue too
And rising costs make feeding, vet bills and importing dogs to the UK nearly impossible 

In short, staying in Turkey is impossible and Claire and Joe simply must come back to the UK 

This is a very expensive process and not a single animal will be left without a home but we need URGENT help to reunite this family and find safe futures for every animal at Homeward Bound 


PLEASE join Homeward Bound on Facebook to stay up to date on their journey, raise funds for their return to the UK and enquire about rehoming!

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